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the technique

The festa2face® Method consists in the use of different types of software technologies, cephalometric software analysis and a 3Dimensional reconstruction of the anatomy of the face, in order to reconstruct the facial tissues with the use of high resolution images from other sources. The method is structured in a sequence of 9 progressive steps with which one can recognize the superimposability of the anatomical structure of the face of the Art Works and consequently individualize the faces, that according to this method, present the Superimposability summarized in the following manner:

  • Acquisition of the Works of Art with the festa2face® Method
  • Reconstruction of the Artist's Poetics with the festa2face® Method
  • The search for Symmetry
  • Calibration with the festa2face® Method 
  • Cephalometric Protocols for the festa2face® Method     
  • Perspective Analysis of the Preparatory Drawing
  • Validation of the confrontation and comparison of the Uncertain Face with other faces attributed to the same Artist
  • Portrait or Selfportrait
  • Confrontation and Comparison of the Uncertain Face with other types of faces attributed to the same Artist

The above steps listed, represents a logical, but not necessary sequence. The decision of the steps to be used depends on the analysis of the study material relative to every single uncertain face, that in any event, will be inserted in the festa2face® Method in the sequence numerically illustrated, even if at zero value. A specific mathematical matrix grill is used in order to obtain this. The marks expressed by the mathematical matrix range from 1 to 10. They represent, with a number, the quality of each step of the festa2face® Method. The confrontation is considered positive when the some of the marks exceeds 75% of the marks of the steps with a minimum of 18 points. The possibililty of the marking, as a whole, with this method is 189, but this occurs only in the presence of a complete superimposibility of all the steps of the festa2face® Method of a series of works to confront with Uncertain Faces that will be attributed to the same Author. Whenever the results are insufficient, a new grill can be added for confrontation etc.

Techniques to highlight and eliminate tonality

Acquisition of the deep Anatomical Structures of the face: the bone base
If in case the presumed Author of the Image to study is a Scholar of Anatomy, but even if he weren't, it is necessary to deal with the deep structures of the face contemporary to the Image, since the Artists have used in various time periods, proportional measuring systems of the face “typical” of the historical moment in which they lived.

Gene transmission validate criteria
The criteria relative to gene transmission of Anatomic Tracer points are sometimes determined on the basis of necessity and also to define familiarity/non familiarity relationships among different compared images with the festa2face® Method. There are in fact structures of the cranial-facial complex that are transmitted genetically from only one parent, while others undergo a polymorphic gene penetration that modify structural anatomical measurements due to the different structural thickness. The necessity to make precise and detailed structural and anatomical measurements was first pointed out by Leonardo DaVinci more then 500 years ago in order to precisely reconstruct and draw the human body. Leonardo came to the conclusion that he had to start with the dissection of cadavers followed by “proportional calibration and reconstruction” of the different segments of the body.

Calibration Technique
The Calibration technique is carried out on Anatomical Tracer points of the face and its surrounding tissues and adnexa that remain constant during life and intersect among the various sequences of progressive anatomical measurements, “progressive” meaning the technique of superimposition of the same anatomical measurements from the depth of the bone structure up to the surface.

The Measurements
The technique for measurement taking makes use of the software programs of cephalometric analysis of the face in use on the market. This concerns software that allows one to measure in 2 and 3 dimensions, linearly and angularly the cranial-facial Complex . These softwares are commonly used in Orthodontics and Gnathology, Maxillo-facial surgery, Orthognatic surgery, and Plastic surgery. With these, it is possible to measure faces and the underlining anatomical structures defining even the minimal differences between “bilateral areas”, in other words, whenever in the presence of the same anatomical tracer points on the right and left sides of the cranium and face Therefore the so called “asymmetries” can be in this way pointed out.

Selection of the sensible Cephalometric Points for the Study
The Selection of Sensible Points is fundamental to evaluate, and its based on the characteristics of the faces that will be confronted, given that there are more than 200 Cephalometric Points that can be analysed on the hard tissues of the face.For the precise analysis carried out of anatomical details of the face it is indispensable still again, the study of the “Artist's Will”.

The VAAI Technique (Virtual Anatomical Artistic Imaging)
The VAAI Technique allows to point out the cephalometric tracer points of interest of that Author, to be analysed,and that were highlighted based on the Portraits to be analysed, the most interesting structures of the face for the superimposiblity techniques, and also, as its seen in the  figure, to hightlight the various stages of color application on the Preparatory Drawing.

Confrontation between the preparatory Drawing and the Art Painting and/or Image
Confronting Image and Preparatory Drawings has essentially the aim of verifying if the painting is a copy or an original. This first distinction is essential for the recognition of Art Works. There are various ways to obtain this result. The new x-ray technologies, today, allow to obtain images at low radiological dosages and with high definition through 2 and 3 dimensional Cat Scans, and further more the presence of diagonal lines on the Preparatory Drawing determines the necessity to evaluate the geometric drawing technique.